Present moment is central to mindfulness-based practice. There is a growing body of evidence to support the use of mindfulness-based interventions in the treatment of mental health difficulties. This introductory experiential workshop is designed for therapists, coaches and anyone working therapeutically with individuals experiencing emotional distress. You will be guided through different mindfulness examples and encouraged to work through these, both individually and in small groups, in the same way you could with your clients. The presenter will supply you with handouts that are jargon free and accessible, so you can integrate mindfulness principles into your therapy practice.
Jo Augustus is an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, with over 15 years’ experience working with individuals with mental health difficulties, in both the NHS and independent sector. She has delivered mindfulness-based interventions for over 10 years and has undertaken mindfulness teacher training with Bangor University. She is also full time lecturer at the University of Worcester and passionate about delivering accessible learning opportunities, promoting academic enquiry and the advancement of knowledge. She is the lead author of ‘An Introduction to Mental Health’ book published with Sage in 2019.
- Learn about the evidence base for mindfulness
- Develop specific mindfulness skills play in the present moment of the client’s distress
- Learn how to use present moment interventions: from ridged to flexible responses
- Practice skills from Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBCT) and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
- Plan ways to integrate mindfulness into your treatment plans now!
Early bird rate: £85 – ends 25th May. Standard rate: £90 – starts 26th May. Places are limited to 24. Please contact Jo to secure your place
[email protected]
Light refreshments will be provided for morning and afternoon tea, with a delicious locally sourced buffet. Lunch, all included in the fee
Full information can be found at